Research Article
Research on the Supply of Shared Bicycles in Subway Hub Stations-Taking the Subway Station of Zhengzhou People 's Hospital as an Example
Jihua Wang
Yan Chen*
Volume 9, Issue 1, February 2024
7 March 2024
25 March 2024
12 April 2024
Abstract: In recent years, with the rapid development of shared bicycles, it has played a great role in alleviating urban traffic pressure and facilitating residents to go out to a certain extent. However, while solving the problem of the last kilometer of travel, the uneven distribution of shared bicycles in subway hub stations is becoming more and more serious, which has a certain impact on the quality of residents ' travel. This paper takes the supply of shared bicycles in urban subway hub stations as the research object, and observes and summarizes the characteristics of slow traffic flow near the entrances and exits of subway hub stations in the morning and evening peak hours. On the premise of ensuring the right of way for pedestrians, the supply and demand of shared bicycles in the subway hub station and the configuration of shared bicycles in the surrounding space of the subway hub station are comprehensively considered, and the supply of shared bicycles is predicted by the estimation model and the field data of the subway hub station are investigated, taking the subway station of Zhengzhou People 's Hospital as an example to carry out field research and predict the actual demand and supply of shared bicycles in the subway hub. Finally, the problems existing in the research on the supply of shared bicycles in metro hub stations and possible future research directions are summarized.
Abstract: In recent years, with the rapid development of shared bicycles, it has played a great role in alleviating urban traffic pressure and facilitating residents to go out to a certain extent. However, while solving the problem of the last kilometer of travel, the uneven distribution of shared bicycles in subway hub stations is becoming more and more ser...
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Research Article
Urban Mobility and Road Safety: Approach to the Safety of Users of Soft Modes of Transport in Grand Lomé
Abelim Passoli*,
Iléri Dandonougbo,
Kossi Dizewe,
Coffi Aholou
Volume 9, Issue 1, February 2024
12 March 2024
29 March 2024
17 April 2024
Abstract: Road insecurity is a major challenge for the international community. The aim of this article is to take stock of the safety of users of soft modes of transport in Grand Lomé. The methodology used in this research is based, on the one hand, on the literature review in order to examine the different theories that govern the analysis of road safety issues and particularly on the safety of vulnerable users of soft modes of transport, and on the other hand, on the analysis of the realities on the ground through surveys and interviews with stakeholders. The results reveal real difficulties in getting around users of active modes of transport on the roads of Grand Lomé. The main roads do not have sidewalks and pedestrian crossings. The sidewalks that exist on some of the new roads are, for the most part, narrow and illegally occupied by businesses, which prevent users of soft modes from benefiting from them. Bike lanes are almost non-existent on the developed lanes. Following this logic, the street belongs first and foremost to motorists. Pedestrians and cyclists are guests who must negotiate their passage on the roads of Grand Lomé.
Abstract: Road insecurity is a major challenge for the international community. The aim of this article is to take stock of the safety of users of soft modes of transport in Grand Lomé. The methodology used in this research is based, on the one hand, on the literature review in order to examine the different theories that govern the analysis of road safety i...
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